Due to circumstances I wil not be online as often as you, my friends and readers are used to. For the next month or so my only access to the net will be a 3G modem with a data limit of 4Gb/month (unless I want to pay through the nose for extra volume). Compared to my usual 25 to 30 Gb a month you can imagine it will hurt.
an old pic but thought it was fitting
This also means that any SL activity will probably be almost non-existant and because of it I guess my Flickr stream will come to a trickle at best for a while. On the positive side of things, it may give me a bit more time to post here.
All of this is because it takes
Telenet, a local cable provider, a MONTH to reactivate an existing connection that was deactivated. To add insult to injury, the place already has cable television and a telephone connection via cable from Telenet. Why does it take so long ? They claim they have to physically be on the spot to reactivate internet access. To do what, turn the modem back on ? I can do that for them thank you very much. If they said two days to sort out the billing and add the modem to DHCP I'd think it was slow but acceptable, but a MONTH ?? I guess it's about time they got some competition ...
Oh well, it's only a month but I can't say I'm looking forward to it ...